Supervised Study
Supervised Study at The High School
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays
4.00 pm until 6.30 pm in the Library
The cost for four weeks is:
1 day per week €20
2 days per week €40
3 days per week €60
4 days per week €80
The advantages of supervised study are:
- Good study habits are established
- Study is carried out under strict conditions and in silence
- Homework is completed by 6.30 pm
- There is an opportunity for additional study if homework is completed
- The evening is free and parents/guardians do not have to worry about supervising homework
- Pupils in certificate examination classes can be encouraged to plan additional study periods at home during the evening
- The regular completion of homework and study during the academic year leads to less stress prior to examinations and less confrontation between pupils and teachers over incomplete or late work
- Pupils who complete their homework regularly and thoroughly may obtain higher grades in examinations
In order to sign up for supervised study, please complete the form below and return it to Ms Shaw or Mr McDonnell in an envelope with the pupil's name on the front. When your child is registered you will receive a text regarding paying through the online system. If a pupil is going to be absent for any reason parents/guardians need to inform Ms Shaw or Mr McDonnell in advance.
- Absolute silence is to be observed during supervised study.
- You may eat sandwiches, fruit, and healthy drinks.
- We will have a break from 4.55 – 5.05 pm
- You may not talk or communicate with other pupils during supervised study.
- You may not leave the study area in the Library without permission.
- Books and work materials must be brought in at the start - you will not be allowed to leave during study.
- Mobile phones are not allowed.
If you break the rules you will be asked to leave and will not be taken back.
No refund will be given.
Pupil’s Name __________________________________________________________
Class __________________________________________________________
Number of days per week attending Supervised Study _____________________
Please select days you will be attending:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
I agree to abide by the above rules
SIGNED ______________________________________________________________ Pupil
SIGNED ______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian
DATE: ________________________________________________________________