School self-evaluation is a collaborative, inclusive, and reflective process of internal school review. An evidence-based approach, it involves gathering information from a range of sources, and then making judgements. All of this is done with a view to bringing about improvements in pupils' learning.
The School Self Evaluation (SSE) process began in 2012. Since that date The High School has implemented School Improvements Plans in the areas of Literacy, Numeracy, and Assessment for Learning.
The High School strongly believes in the importance of embedding literacy and numeracy skills into all areas of the curriculum. To help us achieve this goal in line with national guidance given we have both a Literacy and Numeracy Co-ordinator. Mr Griffin is currently our acting Literacy Co-ordinator and Ms MacGowan is the Numeracy counterpart. We also have a Teaching and Learning Co-ordinator who is Mr Griffin.
The Department of Education’s decision to grant schools leave to postpone the SSE process due to the impact of COVID-19 was welcomed. Whilst SSE was postponed, The High School participated in the LIFT Programme which enhanced connections between Form 4 and Form 2 pupils. This developed leadership and encouraged mentoring between Form 4 and Form 2 pupils. Due to the success of the project, we are continuing to embed LIFT into our mentoring programme and it now a useful step in the journey to becoming a Prefect at The High School. We also engaged in TL21 for the second time where we focused on Assessment and Reporting.
In line with Looking at our School 2022, we are now focusing on Digital Literacy, Cross-Curricular links, and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as our focus areas for SSE. Ms Byrne co-ordinates Digital Literacy, Mr Langrell co-ordinates Cross Curricular links, and Mr McBride co-ordinates Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Mr Rankin is Academic Co-ordinator (SSE).
There is a strong tradition of focusing on Wellbeing at The High School. We engage with Wellbeing both in a curricular setting and in the world of co-curricular activities. All Junior Cycle pupils participate in PE, SPHE (including RSE), CSPE, Digital Literacy, and Musicianship while Senior Cycle pupils engage in PE, Guidance, RSE, and Pastoral Care. The High School celebrates the Wellbeing of our pupils every day and we continue to focus on this element in line with national guidance. Ms Gray is our Wellbeing Co-ordinator.
Please find a link below which summarises our targets at The High School.
SSE 2023-26\School Self Evaluation The High School.pdf
Please find a link below for our Cross Curriculum/Thematic Week Calendar.
SSE 2025\Final Thematic Weeks 2024-2025.xlsx
Please find links below to important documents.
SSE 2022\Looking at our Schools 2022.pdf
SSE 2022\Wellbeing Policy Statement and Framework for Practice.pdf
Ms V B Connolly
Deputy Principal