Model United Nations

Mrs J Wilson (Career break)
Ms F Maher
Mr A Scanlon
The Model United Nations (MUN) programme has an established place in the life of The High School. Come and join us to debate some of the important issues facing the world today. MUN allows pupils to develop important communication, leadership, and team-working skills - and it's also great fun!
Model United Nations organizes student run conferences that aim to replicate the format and structure of the United Nations complete with committees, Security Council, and General Assembly. During a MUN conference pupils act as delegates representing member nations.
The High School participate in four conferences each year: three in Dublin – Terenure College (TERMUN), Rathdown School (RADMUN), and Wesley College (WCDMUN) as well as one in Croydon – Royal Russell School (RRSIMUN).
When representing a member nation, pupils choose a committee to attend which can range from Political, Economic and Social, Health, Human Rights, Ecology and Environment. Pupils gather to discuss some of the most pressing and challenging issues that we are confronted with globally. During these committee sessions delegates debate resolutions and together strive to find solutions that can be implemented globally.
By participating in MUN pupils develop a range of skills, not limited to researching and preparing resolutions, public speaking and constructive debate. Pupils also have the opportunity to meet other like-minded students both from local and international schools and come away from these conferences with a wonderful experience and a deep understanding of international affairs and the role and work of the United Nations.
Career Opportunities